A Patch for an IE Patch

Microsoft late last week released an out-of-cycle patch for IE that fixes a hole in Vector Markup Language (VML) that could let a hacker control your machine. Microsoft last month sent out the original IE patch, but tweaked it to deal with the VML problem. So I guess it's a patch for a patch.

Posted by Doug Barney on September 02, 20080 comments

Microsoft Lost Another One

Redmond Report readers have probably heard about my sons Nick and David and their love for Mac laptops. Their older sister Lauren, on the other hand, has been a real holdout.

Her first machine was a PC laptop -- I never even thought to suggest a Mac. After that one started to die, I suggested a Mac; it would save me some headaches and her some heartache. Nothing doing. Another laptop, a Toshiba I think, was acquired. The screen on this baby died, and once again I pitched Apple, pointing to her brothers' experience. Nope -- this time, an HP fit the bill. Now it's two years later, and the HP is getting slower and less trustworthy. Another PC? No, sir. This time Lauren demanded a Mac.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 28, 20080 comments

Could IE 8 Be Great?

I rarely use Internet Explorer. Sometimes (almost never), a site doesn't work under Firefox, so I fire up IE, view the page and shut 'er right back down.

Microsoft is trying to entice people like me back into the fold with IE 8, now in its second beta. The new browser steals one cool feature of Firefox: When your browser dies, it will restore your old session, including all the tabs.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 28, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Mac Servers and Virtualization

Doug recently asked for a show of hands to determine who uses Mac servers for virtual Vista and XP desktops. Here are your responses:

We don't use Mac servers, and I don't know anyone that uses Mac servers in an enterprise environment. And using them to drive VM Vista or XP desktops is even more out there. I'm sure there are a few people out there, but I very much doubt that it is close to 23 percent, or even 3 percent. They may be counting non-Windows as a whole as Mac servers (Unix, Linux, BSD, Mac).

I have not seen a single Mac server in an enterprise IT computer room. Who are these virtual people?

Well, we sort of use Mac servers. Being that we are a large university, there is not much control over what the faculty or even tech workers for individual departments do. I'm guessing that there are about 10 or so, but none in the datacenter. I don't know of any that are being used to run virtual Windows machines.

Yes, I use Macs for Hyper-V. I run Win 2003 images on a Dell with Win 2008. However, I have some Win XP and Win NT images that were virtualized on MS VS 2005. When I migrated them over to the Hyper-V on Win 2008, I discovered that Hyper-V only supports Vista, Win 2003, and Win 2008 and above. I also saw that Hyper-V will only support two cores per image on Win 2003 images, and I can only assign cores in multiples of two.

On my Mac Pro, I run Parallels Hyper-V server for Mac. It runs my Win XP images just fine. Also, I can assign up to eight cores to any image including Win 2003 and in multiples of 1. I have a Win 2003 Enterprise image as a TS assigned with three cores, not possible with Hyper-V. Performance seems to by equitable between images running on the Mac and the Dell. However, I have not been able to add Win 2003 images running on Mac to a server farm that has images running on the Dell.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 28, 20080 comments

Consumers Voting with Their Downgrades

Vista has more features, and is far newer than XP. And it actually costs money to remove the new Vista and install the seven-year-old XP.

So why would over a third of new PC customers go through the trouble and expense of downgrading to XP? Because XP works!


Posted by Doug Barney on August 28, 20080 comments

More Good News on IT Spending

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (or a skipping CD), there's good news about IT spending. I've written about several reports pointing to higher IT budgets. Research powerhouse Gartner is weighing in, reporting that overall spending is up around 8 percent .

What are you spending money on? Security? Services? New apps? Or just keeping things running? Details may be sent to More

Posted by Doug Barney on August 27, 20080 comments

Forrester's Split Personality

A week or two ago, Forrester Research raised a stink with a report saying that enterprise uptake of Vista was more anemic than a German POW. Microsoft spat back that other Forrester analysts have a more upbeat view of Vista. Funny thing was, a Microsoft exec blogged about the company's misgivings and got More

Posted by Doug Barney on August 27, 20080 comments

IT Lost an Advocate

I've been meaning to write about this for a while, but kept putting it off. It's not easy or fun to write about a loss. An old boss of mine passed away.

You may ask what that means to you. Well, that boss was Ed Foster, creator of InfoWorld's Gripe Line, a column that took vendors to task for rampant rip-offs, poor products and shoddy support.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 27, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Red Hat Security

Readers share their thoughts on open source security in general, and the recent Red Hat hack in particular:

I think that Red Hat getting hacked was a good thing. I am a die-hard Linux user, but I do not go with the crowd that thinks that if you are using any non-Microsoft OS, then you are safe from bad ware. Humans make mistakes; the software that we create will have bugs, and bugs lead to holes, and holes are how the bad boys get in. The sooner everyone starts thinking about security, the better.

I have to admit that I do feel safer using Linux and Firefox while I am surfing the Web, just as the people in the Twin Towers felt safe on Sept. 11, 2001, just before the planes hit.

I have countered for years that Mac and open source operating systems are not targets -- not because they are so secure, but because there were so few of them. The more that are out there, the more they will be hacked. The hackers want quantity. It only makes sense that they will concentrate their efforts where they will get the most results for the least amount of work.

It is Microsoft's licensing that really burns me up, not so much whether it has a better product than others. I'm not sure why those who clamor around Microsoft don't get that. While there have been some who have made silly claims about open source and its security, at least a company that uses FOSS or OSS can hire someone (if they don't possess in-house talent) to review code to ensure that everything is up to snuff. I have a few clients who have done just that with Internet-facing Linux systems -- and it is one thing you cannot do with closed source, no matter who it is. And that is the difference and is why I will always look for an open source alternative for anything I use and recommend.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 27, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Vista Antidotes

Readers share their methods for dodging Vista:

As long as I was being forced to buy a new system to upgrade the OS, I went and bought a iMac. Parallels gets me the few XP Windows apps I need to use; for the rest I use Mac-based programs. Love the new Mac. It's a lot easier to use and maintain than Windows. For supporting Mac users, iChat is great and the built-in mike is live during screen-sharing sessions so we can hang up the phone. XP is still in use in the corporate environs I haunt, no change expected there.

For any of you who want to see what is involved in removing Vista, see this thread at CR4.


Posted by Doug Barney on August 26, 20080 comments

Mac Servers Driving Windows -- Really?

A recent report from the Yankee Group about virtualization has some reasonable findings, such as the fact that 75 percent of companies plan to use virtual wares in their datacenters, and that 40 percent of current virtualization customers mix and match technologies from different vendors. That all makes perfect sense. More

Posted by Doug Barney on August 26, 20080 comments

RFID Fights Kidnappers

Kidnappers in Mexico might soon find the federales breaking down their door. It seems that more and more affluent Mexicans are taking drastic steps to be recovered in the event of a kidnapping -- like having transmitter chips planted in their bodies More

Posted by Doug Barney on August 26, 20080 comments