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Microsoft Issues Zero-Day Warning, Fix-It Tool for 'Shortcut' Flaw

On Friday, Microsoft issued a zero-day (a.k.a. "It's here!") warning about a security flaw that can allow malicious code to get through to Windows desktops and servers (including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2) via "specially crafted" shortcut icons on attached devices such as USB drives.

Although an official patch has yet to arrive, Redmond yesterday released a so-called "Fix-it" tool that can implement the recommended workaround (disabling shortcut files) for you; the support page (KB338619) also offers instructions for doing the steps manually.

A complete list of the affected software is available on the security advisory here.

The flaw is associated with the spread of the "Stuxnet worm." More information on the underlying Stuxnet malware is available here.
-- By Becky Nagel

Posted by Becky Nagel on July 21, 2010
