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IE Keeps on Buggin'

If you run IE, you might want to run the browser in "protected mode," a security setting that locks down the browser by restricting privileges, to protect against a new IE bug.

Newer versions of IE have protected mode on by default. Older versions of IE, such as 5 and 6, also have the mode on by default if they run on Vista or Windows.That leaves older versions of IE running on X,P plus newer IEs with protected mode turned off, vulnerable to attack.

Microsoft has issued an advisory for the bug suggesting that affected users "protect themselves by implementing Network Protocol Lockdown," for which there is a FixIt. A formal patch is forthcoming.

Trivia question: In Microsoft parlance, what did "protected mode" used to mean?

Answers welcome at [email protected] or post your comments below.

Posted by Doug Barney on February 08, 2010
