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Mobile Phone Free-for-All

While the PC market is dominated by Windows (with Apple getting a small slice and Linux a sliver), the mobile phone space has more competitors than "Dancing with the Stars." There's Palm, Apple, Google, BlackBerry, Microsoft and more. Microsoft has been in this market for years and must be dumbfounded that it doesn't rule.

But Microsoft barely ever says "uncle." It just released Windows Mobile 6.5, which has a full QWERTY keyboard (not full-size, of course) that can either work through a touch screen or keypad.

While proud of its product, Microsoft isn't overselling 6.5. Steve Ballmer admits that 6.5 doesn't have a full set of enterprise features, but that Windows Mobile 7.0 sure will. Meanwhile, the reviewers are pulling out their knives, slashing and stabbing the poor, defenseless Windows Mobile 6.5.

What's your favorite phone OS? Call in your votes to [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on October 07, 2009
