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IE 8 Hits the Streets

While I never downloaded the beta or the final beta (what Microsoft calls a "release candidate"), I've spent countless hours on IE 8 -- mostly talking about it. I think at least 75 Redmond Report readers wrote in about their IE 8 experiences, and their input will drive Redmond magazine's May cover story.

The browser has a decent feature set, but the test versions -- even the last RC -- were clearly problematic. That's why I was surprised when Microsoft shipped the browser late Wednesday night.

With your help, I've written a draft of the IE 8 cover piece. Now I need the final touches. I need to know if this final rev is stable, fast and compatible. Shoot your experiences to [email protected]. And if you're one of the 75 readers who've already sent me your IE opinions, all the better.

Posted by Doug Barney on March 20, 2009
