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Windows 7 Slips Out

The Windows 7 beta has leaked out beyond the small base of testers Microsoft originally intended, and I for one don't think Microsoft is the least bit upset.

In fact, Microsoft seems to be talking more about Windows 7 than about its shipping products. And its Vista commercials mention Mojave (the code name for Microsoft's Vista taste test) way more than Vista itself. Let's face it: Vista is the Blagojevich of the PC market. Everyone wants to steer as clear as possible.

So far, the beta reports for Windows 7 are pretty positive -- all the more reason for Microsoft to want broader distribution. If you're jonesin' for Windows 7, check out BitTorrent now, or just wait a bit for when Microsoft itself has a broader release.

Have you tried the beta? If so, how's it going? Reports welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on January 05, 2009


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