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Obama, McCain and High-Tech

Yesterday, I wondered where Sen. McCain and now President-elect Obama stood on high-tech issues. Well, all I had to do was go to the candidates' Web sites -- the answers were already there!

Obama is for network neutrality (so we can do pretty much what we want with our broadband connections), wants to expand these broadband networks to areas not currently covered, invest in the American high-tech industry, and use the Internet to let citizens track government more closely.

McCain also posted his positions on his Web site. He believes low capital gains taxes spur risk and innovation, seeks low taxes for those investing in research and development, wants the Internet to be a tax-free zone (at least on Internet use), and wants more H-1B visas (which Bill Gates has long sought, as well),

Like his rival, McCain wants to expand broadband access. While he doesn't specifically support net neutrality, he wants to preserve consumers' freedom to use their connections as they like.

Posted by Doug Barney on November 05, 2008


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