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Obama Taking Names in Spam Poll

Public relations folks come in all shapes, sizes and levels of professionalism. Sometimes, I get calls from a newbie clearly reading tech-speak from a script. Other times, a trusted longtime pro calls me with information that's of 100 percent interest to my readers. Often, the level of creativity is less than that of a Backstreet Boys song.

Then there are the moments of true cleverness. I would've never written about the company Secure Computing this week were it not for PR spin-meister Richard Mulligan, who told me that when it comes to spam, "Obama" beats "McCain" by a factor of 6-to-1 (there's six times as much Obama-related spam as there is about McCain), and that "Sarah Palin" slightly edged out "Joe Biden" in the same category -- don't ya know!

I have no idea what this all really means or how it helps Secure Computing sell security products, but it was kind of fun.

What should each candidate do to help our tech and IT sector? Well-thought-out thoughts welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on October 08, 2008


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