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Ballmer Out of Touch on Vista Logos

Steve Ballmer defended himself, it seems, even more than his own company in a class-action lawsuit over "Vista Capable" logos. Many consumers are angry after buying a Vista Capable Computer (I call them VCCs) only to find out it only ran lower-end versions of the OS. And sometimes, even that was a stretch.

Ballmer claims he was out of the loop and not part of the logo decision. I believe him. Heck, this guy is busier than Paris Hilton at an all-male revue! But Ballmer's reasonable excuse doesn't excuse the misleading logo program itself. Consumers and the fee-hungry lawyers (who'll get most of the award, anyway) are right on this one.

I have a feeling Microsoft has learned a lesson on Vista and that, in fact, Windows 7 will be far better. And if it is, the glorious economics that are the PC market will continue to shine. Here's an example of those economics: I'm willing to help buy Mac laptops for my kids Lauren, David and Nick, but can't bring myself to shell out $1,100 for a low-end Mac lapper of my own. That's Apple's problem, and the PC's Main Street, blue-collar, Joe Six-Pack advantage.

Are you impressed or blasé about the price to power ratio of today's PCs. Vote yea or nay at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on October 08, 2008


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