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Visual Studio 2010 Announced in 2008

The next major rev of Visual Studio is due out in a couple of years, so what does Microsoft do? Name it "Visual Studio 2010," that's what!

That wasn't the only news. Microsoft also talked up some 2010 features, especially Team System items like helping those with different roles -- such as architects and coders -- work better together.

One move that may dismay some is that Visual Studio 2010 won't support SQL Server 2005. That may not be a huge deal as it takes a while for developers to move new IDE releases.

I've covered Microsoft development tools off and on (more off than on) for over 20 years and noticed that Microsoft always pays close attention to developers. If programmers want something, chances are they're going to get it.

Have you worked with Microsoft on the development side and, if so, how did they treat you? Opinions welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on September 30, 2008


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