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Sun Adds VMware to Virtual Line

Sun is one of the pioneers, if not the pioneer, in thin client computing. While the "Network Computer" that Scott McNealy and Larry Ellison talked about for years never quite materialized, the Sun Ray line is a very effective thin solution.

But just as Sun made up with Microsoft, it apparently isn't religious about thin client and other virtual tools. This week, in fact, Sun agreed to sell and support VMware's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Virtual Desktop Manager.

This software can be used to drive Sun Ray devices, or customers can opt for a purer Sun solution. Sun has a pretty cool strategy of pushing its unique technology, such as SPARC and Solaris, as well as a full complement of industry standard (read: Wintel) tools.

What do you think of Sun these days? Opinions accepted at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on September 18, 2008
