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Microsoft Adds Depth to Security View

To make its products safer, Microsoft programmers have designed a Software Development Lifecycle (SDL) process that makes security a part of every stage of development. Microsoft wants ISVs and corporate developers to be equally safe and is packaging up its internal tools for outside use.

There's the model for development itself, which is free. On the paid side, Microsoft has SDL-trained consultants you can hire and a Threat Modeling Tool for sale this November.

As problems with Chrome, VMware, the Mac and Linux have shown, all software can be subject to hacks. It's clear that Microsoft is trying to do something about it.

Speaking of Chrome, are you using it? I'm writing an article about end user experiences and would love to talk to you. Shoot me a note with your thoughts and impressions to me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on September 22, 2008


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