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Mailbag: More Thoughts on Vista, Mac and IE

It wouldn't be a Mailbag section without some reader letters about Vista. Brian starts us off by explaining why his company won't be adopting the OS any time soon:

For my corporation, I feel it's an unnecessary migration to go from XP to Vista. The migration plus the learning curve for users is not necessary since there is little that is tangible lost for us by staying on XP, a now stable and well-known platform with huge user acceptance. It's a big decision for a company to commit the resources to migrate. In this vein, management must see a business-need incentive to approve the leap.

Meanwhile, another reader doesn't think sticking with XP is a good idea:

To quote your bit on Mojave: "If these [compatibility, performance and stability] issues can be solved, Vista will be OK. If not, XP will suffice."

No, XP will not suffice. You writing that is a disappointment, and if I have to tell you why, then you don't get it.

And Walter steps up in Vista's defense...and wonders about the ribbing we've been giving it:

My problems with Vista have been far fewer and less drastic/dramatic than with any other Microsoft OS. In fact, of all the permutations of Microsoft OSes, Vista has more than lived up to its expectations. I've read your newsletter faithfully for a couple of years and nary an issue passed without you or some member of Redmond mag's staff really giving Vista the business. In fact, you tout Macs and their OSes as the thing to buy.

As with everything, people like what they like. I'm very, very satisfied with Vista. Very. A friend of mine wrote you fairly much the same thing and your condescending reply was more than I could take. If you want to continue to rag on Vista, I suppose you're going to no matter what. But at least keep in mind that there are plenty of folk out here that like Vista. Everybody has a right to an opinion...and that includes those who like Vista.

While some of you questioned Doug's daughter's move to Mac, one reader seems all for it:

Don't cave in to the anti-Mac whiners. After supporting Windows for 15-plus years, I won't touch it unless I'm getting paid to. Mac and Linux systems comprise my home network. MS can stick its garbage where the sun don't shine.

And John's left scratching his head after one reader's comments about Internet Explorer's market share:

I just had to comment on this quote from a reader: "In my opinion, IE's share of the browser market is a direct result of its bundling with Windows. If users had to download it separately, Firefox (or perhaps some other player by now) would have the commanding lead in browser market share and IE would be an also-ran at best."

How could a user download a new Web browser if a Web browser were not bundled with Windows in the first place? Would you have to go out to the local Best Buy and buy a copy? This never made any sense to me. If a computer did not come with a Web browser pre-installed, just think how much less useful it would be.

Join the fray! Leave a comment below or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on September 04, 2008


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