Leopard Strikes on the 26th
Apple has a new rev of its operating system
to ship late this week. According to my personal Mac guru (my son David),
Mac OS gets a major upgrade every two years or so, way quicker than Windows.
And Apple was also able to swap in an all-new kernel when it replaced the old
Mac engine with the Mach kernel from Carnegie Mellon.
That kernel is one of the key reasons the Mac is so stable. I restart my G4
every year or so just for kicks (I'm not a role model for green computing, I
The new $129 Leopard includes a version of Boot Camp that lets you run Windows
at the same time as Mac software, instead of having to reboot. It also has better
backup through Time Machine, which maintains up-to-date backup images of your
main disk on an external drive.
David also raves about Quick Look that lets you see a nice preview of the file
before you open it.
Posted by Doug Barney on October 22, 2007