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Print Isn't Dead -- Take Two

In a recent editorial, I argued that print is far from dead, and pointed out that the Redmond Media Group launched three print pubs in the space of 25 months.

Now the editor in chief of PC Magazine, Jim Louderback, is seeing things my way.

A PR man/blogger from Edelman PR had the unmitigated gall to write that he tosses his free copy of PC Mag right into the garbage. This PR man/clown apparently never paused to reflect on the countless pitches his company makes to PC Mag, literally begging to get into Louderback's pages.

Louderback, knowing the power that print still wields, responded by musing that perhaps the magazine should boycott this PR company's clients.

And what did the man with the intestinal fortitude to stand up to PC Magazine do? He shriveled up like a worm on a hot Alabama driveway and apologized profusely.

Posted by Doug Barney on April 30, 2007
