Barney's Blog

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The Dark Side

When journalists move to PR or marketing, it's called "going to the dark side." I'm not sure what you call it when an independent analyst becomes a Microsoft shill -- hopefully, you can at least call it a pay raise.

Former analyst Michael Gartenberg -- by all accounts a good and smart guy -- is now a Redmond product evangelist (I've always been a bit offended by the evangelist title, not for its religious connotations, but because it just seems so darn arrogant).

As soon as the news broke, critics crawled out of the woodwork saying Gartenberg was hired to dispense disinformation.

I say it's a free country and if a smart guy wants to get paid for explaining Microsoft's virtues, then good for him. Tell me where I'm wrong at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on February 26, 2007
