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Information at Your Fingerprints, Take 17

Nearly 17 years ago, Bill Gates first spoke of information at your fingertips. (Here's a great review of that speech.)

The idea is that one should be able to get information whenever and wherever they need it. Now that a small fraction of the world has realized that dream, Gates has moved on to his next goal -- connecting everything to everything.

At his annual keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show, Gates restated the vision and bragged about the progress he and his partners have made. Gates also showed off a few new tricks, including a new server system so all our devices can have a central place for backup, storage of photos and such, and -- through a Windows Live Internet address -- the ability to get to this content from anywhere. Hey, isn't that what servers were defined for in the first place?

Posted by Doug Barney on January 09, 2007
