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Vista Makes It Home to CompUSA for Christmas

CompUSA will start selling Vista by the end of this month to small business customers. The deal is aimed at being fair to small shops, as corporate customers with Enterprise Agreements can pick up Vista this month, as well.

But this all seems so backward. Businesses are the last to move to new versions of Windows, usually waiting until at least SP1.

Consumers, especially crazed gamers, are the ones who line up at midnight, not Joe IT. Yet consumers this holiday season won't be buying souped-up Vista machines -- they'll be on hold until next year.

Maybe this is all a secret plot to get folks to shell out $250 for Zune, which launches this week. I might change my mind on Zune: With wireless and a neat video screen, it seems to pack more punch than the iPod. As long as they leave out the Blue Screen of Death, maybe I'll pick one up.

Posted by Doug Barney on November 14, 2006
