Solution Providers

Opinion: Are We Winning the Battle Against E-Crime?

A recent survey of security and law enforcement executives shows that the fight against electronic crimes (e-crimes) continues to be an uphill battle.

The Microsoft Survey

Love Microsoft? Hate it? Somewhere in between? It's all of the above in the Redmond magazine survey of your attitudes toward the world's most important computer company.

IDC: Unix and Windows Server Market Revenues Equal for First Time

Factory revenues for Unix servers and Windows servers were equal for the first time ever in the first quarter of 2005, according to market researchers at IDC.

Content Cops

Many businesses expect IT to use the equivalent of a radar gun and monitor employees for infractions. But laying down the law can have serious repercussions, both for employees and the IT departments doing the watching.

6 Steps to a Simpler Network

There's a saying in IT that "complexity is the enemy of security." It's also the enemy of efficiency, troubleshooting and other critical network functions. Here are six ways to untangle that crowded web you've weaved.

Keep an Eye on Those Servers

The right server management tool closely monitors your network and offers proactive responses to most common problems.

The Good and the Bad of MBSA

Microsoft's free vulnerability scanner works well—as long as you don't have to stretch it too far.

Restore Those Lost E-Mails

Recovery Manager lets you do large-scale, store-level Exchange backups, while still helping locate and restore individual messages.

When I'm 64

Get ready to upgrade to Win2003 x64.

7 Tips for MOM

Advice from an in-the-trenches expert for getting the most out of Microsoft Operations Manager.

Managing in Isolation

Remote management has never been a Microsoft strong suit, but Windows Server 2003 is helping users manage servers that no IT staff can touch.

6 Reasons to Consider Apache

Even though IIS gets more secure with each generation, having at least a few Apache Web servers in your shop makes sense.

Notify with WMI

Find out how to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) for system notifications without having to write scripts.

7 Terminal Services Tips

Terminal Services is a lot like poker—anyone can play, but it takes smarts and strategy to play well. These seven tips will make you a shark.

Out, Foul Spyware!

Beta Man looks at the recently released beta Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware software.