Microsoft confirmed on Friday that open source GNU code landed in its utility software used to install Windows 7.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 13, 2009
Microsoft and Sophos are at it again, this time arguing about Windows 7's user account control feature.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- November 13, 2009
Microsoft's efforts on combating server-side Web vulnerabilities, as well as patching its Internet Explorer client, may be paying off.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- November 13, 2009
Microsoft's decision to slash the price of Business Productivity Online Suite from $15 to $10 per month is not sitting well with some of its partners.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- November 13, 2009
Thirteen leading technology companies including Microsoft have joined with Lockheed Martin to form a new cybersecurity technology alliance.
- By Wyatt Kash
- November 13, 2009
Cisco's announcement of a new hosted e-mail service is causing high-pressure rumblings in the cloud computing space.
- By Herb Torrens
- November 12, 2009
Google described its efforts in the enterprise software space, including its e-mail contract win with the city of Los Angeles.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 12, 2009
Someone spilled hot COFEE, otherwise known as Microsoft's Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 10, 2009
Microsoft rolled out six security fixes in its November patch on Tuesday.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- November 10, 2009
An organization's security has a lot to do with its E-mail system, a top security official at Microsoft suggested.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- November 10, 2009
Microsoft officials announced the public release of Exchange 2010 on Monday.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 09, 2009
Sales of Windows 7 to U.S. consumers during the operating system's October debut outpaced those of Vista when it first launched.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 06, 2009
Security experts commented on Version 7 of Microsoft's Security Intelligence Report, which was announced this week.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- November 06, 2009
Kace on Tuesday unveiled an upgrade to its systems deployment appliance that can help with Windows 7 migrations.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 05, 2009
In response to complaints from users, Microsoft announced plans on Wednesday to support Exchange Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
- By Kurt Mackie
- November 05, 2009