SharePoint Server

Buried Treasure: Uncovering SharePoint's Riches

Clients will see the light once you show how SharePoint can help them implement collaborative Web applications.

Microsoft's Revenues Flat in 3Q 2008 Report

Microsoft had flat revenue results as reflected in its third-quarter 2008 report.

Microsoft Launches Dynamics CRM Online

Microsoft rolled out its Dynamics CRM Online platform today as a generally available service.

Microsoft Rolls Out 8 Patches for 10 Vulnerabilities

Microsoft rolled out five "critical" and three "important" patches for Windows Server 2008, Vista, Office, IE and other software.

Microsoft Reveals More About Rosario

This week, Microsoft offered its first public glimpse of the next release of Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), Redmond's next-generation integrated application lifecycle management suite, though the company is still not committing to any deliverables.

Microsoft Plans 8 Fixes in April

Redmond is poised to release eight security bulletins for its April patch release, with five designated as "critical" and three deemed "important."

ACS Turns Page with Acquisition Spree

Outsourcer struggled through 2007 with high-profile fight over private equity buyout.

Ballmer Acknowledges Mistakes, Offers Insights on Roadmap at MIX08

In a rare display of contrition, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer yesterday acknowledged frustration with the acceptance of Windows Vista and the company's failure to upgrade its Internet Explorer browser more routinely, as well the questionable decision to pursue separate development paths for Internet Explorer and the .NET Framework.

Microsoft and Google Square Off for Long-Term SaaS Battle

Microsoft and Google both recently added to their in-the-clouds application offerings.

Microsoft Takes SharePoint and Exchange Servers Online

Microsoft's SaaS initiatives gets kickstarted with online betas of Exchange Server 2007 and Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Alfresco Survey Polls Enterprise Stack Practices

The second Alfresco Open Source Barometer survey found a general trend toward the use of mixed open source and proprietary software in the enterprise.

Microsoft Earnings Show Strong Enterprise Software Business

While Microsoft's record revenues of $16.4 billion and earnings of $4.7 billion for the second quarter put the spotlight on strong sales of Vista and Office, Redmond's latest financial report also showed steady growth in its server and tools business.

IBM and Mainsoft Ink Deal To Integrate .NET Apps

It just got a little easier for developers using Microsoft's .NET Framework technology and SharePoint to integrate their .NET applications with IBM's Java-based portal technology. In a global reseller deal, IBM agreed to sell Mainsoft Corp.'s .NET Extensions solution with the IBM WebSphere Portal solution.

Web Parts and Portals

Jump-start your Web projects with MOSS 2007.

Microsoft Gives Away Search Server 2008

Microsoft said that it's giving away Search Server 2008 Express in release candidate form to anyone who wants it, just by downloading it directly from Microsoft's Web site.