Cloud Computing

Microsoft Details Windows Intune Update Coming Next Week

An update to Microsoft's Windows Intune cloud-based device management service will begin rolling out to subscribers sometime next week, Microsoft said Wednesday.

Microsoft Changing SkyDrive Name to 'OneDrive'

As part of the terms of its settlement with the British Sky Broadcasting Group over a trademark infringement dispute, Microsoft said on Monday it is finally renaming its SkyDrive cloud storage service.

Microsoft Slashes Windows Azure Pricing To Match Amazon

In an effort to match prices set by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft said last week it will lower the cost of Windows Azure storage.

Microsoft Tweaks Windows Azure with Publishing, Monitoring Improvements

Microsoft recently added some monitoring improvements, including new alerts, to its cloud-based Windows Azure services.

Microsoft Releases Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager Service

Microsoft's Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager (HRM) disaster recovery service is now generally available.

Windows Azure Georedundant Storage Option Hits Preview

Microsoft last week released a "limited preview" trial version of a new georedundant option for the Windows Azure Storage service.

SharePoint's Path to the Cloud Is Not a Straight Shot

Few dispute that SharePoint in the cloud is the future. The challenge for partners and customers is determining the best path to get there.

Microsoft Releases Windows Azure BizTalk Services, Other Offerings

Microsoft recently beefed up its Windows Azure offerings, making some services generally available and others available as "previews."

Reports: Microsoft Cloud Services Hit by Widespread Outage

Microsoft's Windows Azure, Office 365 and services suffered outages on Thursday, according to reports.

Microsoft's Windows Azure Update Includes Backup Service

Microsoft this month rolled out a slew of new services to Windows Azure as part of an update designed to integrate the cloud platform with Microsoft's latest flagship software offerings.

How Microsoft Missed the Cloud Forecast Under Ballmer

The outgoing Microsoft CEO gave his "all in" cloud mandate over three years ago, but entrenched players like Amazon Web Services and Google have left Microsoft fighting to secure a foothold for its own cloud services.

Sorgen Outlines Top 3 Priorities as Microsoft Channel Chief

Phil Sorgen this week gave an overview of his goals as the new leader of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Group (WPG).

Microsoft To Issue Free Windows Azure AD Improvements

Microsoft is expected to release several no-cost enhancements to Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) by year's end.

Microsoft Delivers Multi-Factor Authentication to Windows Azure

Microsoft on Thursday launched its Windows Azure-based multi-factor authentication product, previously code-named "Active Authentication" in its preview phase.

Microsoft, Oracle Talk Up Cloud Partnership at OpenWorld

The keynote talk from Microsoft's Brad Anderson on Tuesday detailed the fruits of a partnership inked just this summer between the two software giants.

Windows Azure Helps Small Partner Score Huge Deal

How one small Microsoft partner in the U.K. leveraged the Windows Azure cloud service to win a huge contract against consortiums of IT giants -- enabling a more robust solution at a lower cost than traditional IT approaches could promise.

Microsoft's Cloud Partners Face Hard Questions After PRISM Scandal

The recent revelations about the depth of the NSA's surveillance program are dragging old questions about cloud privacy back to the forefront.

Microsoft, Google and Others Petition To Disclose Spy Request Details

Microsoft on Monday joined Google, Facebook and Yahoo in filing amended motions to disclose more details about customer data access requests from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

Latest Windows Azure Tweaks Include Cache Service Preview

Microsoft on Tuesday launched a preview of a new distributed cache service for Windows Azure-hosted applications as part of a set of improvements to the cloud platform.

Microsoft Releases Azure Rights Management Service Preview

A preview release of Microsoft's Windows Azure Rights Management Service (RMS), which provides organizational control over shared file access, is now available.