Auditing Locally Shared Folders
Here’s a script that enumerates all shared folders on all computers in your domain.
- By Chris Wolf
- December 05, 2006
local group membership enumeration script was excellent. That satisfies part of my local SAM concerns. Now I need one that will get all the local and domain groups that are tied to shares on that system -- sort of like
ShareEnum from SysInternals, but one that works for an entire domain and is vbs and command-line-based. This way we can tell how many systems are being managed with local accounts and groups that should be in the domain context instead.
-- Chris
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Good question, Chris. Keeping tracking of shared folders across your domain is an important consideration. While GUI tools like GFI LANguard offer this feature, I can see how a script would be useful.
Using the same context as my local administrator group enumeration script, I wrote the following script to solve your problem:
On Error Resume Next
Const ForWriting = 2
' Format date/time stamp for output file
strTimeDate = Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & _
"-" & Day(Date) & "~~" & Hour(Time) & "-" & _
' Output file name and path
strLogFile = "C:\ShareAudit-" & strTimeDate & _
'Create Log File
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strLogFile, _
ForWriting, True)
' Connect to domain and collect computer accounts
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
objCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Name, Location FROM 'LDAP://" & _
objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") & "'" _
& "WHERE objectClass='computer'"
objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
objCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30
objCommand.Properties("Searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE
objCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
' Output domain computer accounts, connect to each
' computer, and enumerate shares and permissions
Do Until objRecordSet.EOF
strComputer = objRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value
objFile.WriteLine "System: " & strComputer
' connect to computer
Set objWMIsvc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
If Err <> 0 Then
objFile.Writeline("*** System Unreachable ***")
' enumerate shares
Set colShares = objWMIsvc.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_Share")
' display ACE
For Each objShare In colShares
objFile.WriteLine "Share Name:" & objShare.Name
objFile.WriteLine " Path: " & objShare.Path
Set wmiShareSec = objWMIsvc.Get _
("Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.Name='" &_
objShare.Name & "'")
RetVal = wmiShareSec._
DACL = wmiSecurityDescriptor.DACL
For Each wmiACE In DACL
Set Trustee = wmiACE.trustee
objFile.Writeline(" Account: " & _
Trustee.Domain & "\" & Trustee.Name)
Set ACEType = wmiACE.AceType
Select Case int(wmiACE.AceType)
Case 0 PermType = "Allow"
Case 1 PermType = "Deny"
End Select
objFile.Writeline(" Permission Type: " & _
Select Case Int(wmiACE.AccessMask)
Case 1179817 SharePerm = "Read"
Case 1245631 SharePerm = "Change"
Case 2032127 SharePerm = "Full Control"
Case Else SharePerm = "Access Mask " & _
End Select
objFile.Writeline(" Assigned Permission: " & _
End If
' All done!
WScript.Echo("Audit Complete!")
This script will collect a list of each domain computer and then attempt to connect to each computer in the domain. Once the connection is established all hidden and non-hidden shares will be written to the text file whose name and format is specified by strLogFile variable.
The output will be a log file on the C drive by default. Here is a sample of the file contents from a system in my lab:
System: DC1
Share Name:Records
Path: c:\records
Account: BUILTIN\Administrators
Permission Type: Allow
Assigned Permission: Full Control
Share Name:C$
Path: C:\
Account: BUILTIN\Administrators
Permission Type: Allow
Assigned Permission: Full Control
Share Name:Public
Path: C:\Public
Account: MCP\cbeltran
Permission Type: Deny
Assigned Permission: Read
Account: MCP\dmcnabb
Permission Type: Deny
Assigned Permission: Change
Account: MCP\dwright
Permission Type: Deny
Assigned Permission: Full Control
Account: MCP\Accounting
Permission Type: Allow
Assigned Permission: Read
Account: BUILTIN\Administrators
Permission Type: Allow
Assigned Permission: Full Control
System: RS1
*** System Unreachable ***
When run without any modifications, the script will create a log file that includes the date and time in which the script was run. For example, you may see an output file named ShareAudit-2006-12-5~~12-52.txt. Note that the time is included after the consecutive tildes. Once the script completes, it will notify you with an "Audit Complete!" pop-up message.
Since you would probably want to know when a system is unreachable (such as if it is turned off when the script is run), I have the script include the line "*** System Unreachable ***" for any system that the script could not establish a connection with. Note that for connecting to and auditing Windows XP SP2 systems, you will need to ensure that the XP firewall is configured to allow remote management. Steps for troubleshooting XP SP2-related issues with WMI can be found in the Microsoft Support Article, "How to Troubleshoot WMI-related Issues in Windows XP SP2."
Auditing shares and assigned share permissions is an important part of network administration. Since some of the command line tools out there only show you the non-hidden shares, having a script that can show you all shares on every system can be quite handy. I hope this script will make your job a little easier.