
Netcraft: Windows 2000 Site Goes 2+ Years Without Reboot

It was the dream of many a Windows NT 4.0 Web site administrator applying the daily or twice-daily reboot. A Windows 2000 system that would just stay up.

This month in its monthly survey/ of Web sites around the world, Netcraft found a Windows 2000 site that hasn't needed a reboot in more than two years.

"This month is the first time that a Windows 2000 site has appeared in the 50 top sites which have the longest period of time since last reboot," Netcraft's monthly survey notes. "When we first started graphing web servers uptime in the summer of 2000, many people were skeptical that a Windows machine would ever make the top 50. Perceptions change, and although two years is exceptional, several Windows 2000 sites have run for more than a year without a reboot."

The golden child is a storage news and information site called

According to Netcraft, there are also several sites hosted by Microsoft and Microsoft partners Interliant and Divine that have gone longer than a year between reboots.

Elsewhere in the same January Netcraft report are rumblings of difficulties with Windows Server 2003. Responding to user complaints, Netcraft found that the Windows Server 2003 systems in's mixed Web farm of servers are responding more slowly than their Windows 2000-based neighbors.

The Netcraft report points out that the Windows 2003 systems may have a more demanding workload or be running on older hardware than the Windows 2000 systems. Microsoft touts Windows Server 2003 as much faster than its predecessor on similar systems and workloads.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.
