Drilling Down on Queries
Now that you understand the basic structure of a
SQL application, let's dissect the basis of information
retrieval: the query.
- By Anil Desai
- February 01, 2001
For many techies, especially those that focus
on systems administration, the language used to
communicate with database servers can be a mystery.
You can't easily set up a database or build a
new application using only GUI tools alone. Fortunately,
there's a standard language for communicating
with relational database management systems, such
as Microsoft's SQL Server 2000.
That's the focus of this article: the basis of
the Structured Query Language (SQL) and how you
can use it to access data from relational data
sources. We'll cover the basic syntax of the four
major types of SQL commands and we'll look at
some hints and tips for creating useful SQL scripts.
Let's start with the basics: SQL stands for Structured
Query Language. If you've read this far, I'm assuming
there's a good chance that this doesn't answer
all of your questions. So, exactly what is this
SQL (pronounced, "sequel") stuff, anyway? Many
people feel like they may have missed the first
one since it's yet another strange language to
learn. One of the main benefits of SQL is that
it's a standard for communicating with databases;
there's even a standards committee that controls
how the language is developed and extended (see
"About SQL Standards"). Simply put, SQL queries
are used to instruct database servers to make
changes to relational data (that is, create, modify,
delete and read information stored in database
tables). SQL is supported by other relational
database platforms, including Oracle, IBM DB/2
and Informix. Furthermore, you can use SQL to
access information through other ODBC-compliant
data sources, such as Microsoft Excel files, text
files, etc. For now, trust me - it's useful!
SQL Standards |
As is often the
case with many types of languages,
there are several standards and
versions. The "official" version
of SQL is defined by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
and is named based on the year
the specification because active.
For example, ANSI SQL-92 is a
standard that's probably the most
commonly supported standard. Although
most current database platforms
support a large portion of the
specification, each has its own
additions. For example, Oracle
uses the Procedural Language/Structured
Query Language (PL/SQL) and Microsoft
uses Transact-SQL to extend the
functionality provided by the
ANSI specifications. These extensions
define how features like stored
procedures, triggers and other
database objects are implemented. |
In this article, I'll start with building simple
SQL queries and then move to advanced queries
that include joins between multiple tables. Although
I'll be using examples from Microsoft's SQL Server
2000 in this article, the same queries should
run fine without modifications.
Setting Up the Basics
Before we get started, you should have access
to an installation of SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server
2000, and you should have the Query Analyzer tool
installed. When you open Query Analyzer, you'll
be asked to log on to a database server. You can
use either standard authentication or a username
and password combination. In general, the name
of the instance will be the same as the machine
name for the SQL Server installation you're trying
to access. If you're referring to the local machine,
you can simply use a "." for the server name.
Once you've got Query Analyzer open (see Figure
1), you're ready to start writing queries. Use
the drop-down box at the top to select the Northwind
The Query Analyzer has many useful features,
which I won't cover here in an attempt to focus
on the basics. To find out what those features
are, use the toolbar or press F1 to get the Transact-SQL
help. You can also get more by using the Object
Browser and templates that help you create all
types of SQL queries.
Figure 1. Using SQL 2000's Query
Analyzer. (Click image to view larger version.)
Types of SQL Queries
Let's jump into the commands that you can use
to modify data within your relational databases.
There are four main types of SQL statements:
- SELECT - Used to retrieve information from
a database. A SELECT query defines the data
you're trying to return and embeds the logic
that's required to find and format the results.
- INSERT - Used to add rows to a table.
- UPDATE - Used to modify rows in a table.
- DELETE - Deletes a row from a database table.
In general, these statements are known as Data
Manipulation Language (DML) statements. How's
that for a brief overview? Well, how about if
we dig into the details.
SELECT Queries
A basic SQL SELECT query has two main clauses:
SELECT, which tells the server which columns you
want to return, and FROM, which tells the server
from which tables you want to retrieve data. Here's
a query that returns a list of all of the CustomerIDs
and their associated Company Names from the Customers
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName
FROM Customers
It's as simple as that! Figure 2 provides an
example of the results from a fairly complicated
SELECT query (don't worry about the syntax).
Figure 2. Running a complicated
SELECT query in Query Analyzer. (Click image
to view larger version.) |
Let's look at some features of SQL queries:
- SQL queries are not case sensitive. SELECT
generally means the same things as Select or
select. However, various database servers may
be case-sensitive, so if you're searching for
"Bobby Fischer", you may not receive a row that
has a value of "bobby fisher". (By default,
SQL Server is case-preserving but not case-sensitive).
- The formatting of SQL queries is not important
to the database server. For example, the above
query could have been written on a single line.
The formatting of the query is important to
developers, however, from a management standpoint.
If I write a 50-line SQL statement on a single
line, the code will be difficult to read, manage
and maintain. There are many different ideas
regarding how objects should be named and queries
should be written. The short rule is to pick
a standard and stick with it.
OK, let's look at some more features of SQL queries.
First, you can use the "*" character as a wildcard
to return all of the columns from one or more
tables. Second, you can use aliases as shortcuts
for referring to tables. Aliases are specified
in the FROM clause and can significantly reduce
the amount of typing required to get the information
you want. The following SELECT query uses these
FROM Customers c
There are additional features that make SQL queries
much more useful. Here are some additional clauses
that you can add to your queries:
- AS - Use the "as" keyword to provide friendly
names for the columns in a result set. For example,
if your table defines a column name as "CustomerID",
you can format the result as "CustomerNumber"
or something more meaningful to your users and
- WHERE - Perhaps the single most important
clause, the WHERE clause defines the criteria
for the rows you want to return. You might want
to obtain a list of customers that are located
in the state of Michigan and have placed at
least one order.
- GROUP BY - Often, you'll want to perform
aggregate operations (such as a SUM, which totals
the values in a column). The columns in the
GROUP BY clause specify the order in which the
values will be grouped.
- ORDER BY - When you're viewing report information,
you'll often want to sort the information. The
order of the columns specified in the ORDER
BY clause determine how the results will be
sorted. For example, this query:
SELECT c.CompanyName as CompanyName,
c.City as
CityName, c.Country
FROM Customers c
WHERE (c.Country = 'USA'
OR c.Country = 'France')
ORDER BY CompanyName
returns basic company information for records
in your Customers table. It restricts the display
to only those customers who reside in the USA
or in France and sorts the results by the name
of the company.
Earlier in the article, I promised that we'd
stick to the basics. There's a lot more to know
about basic SQL statements. For example, JOINs
are absolutely vital in retrieving information
from most real-world databases. And, there are
a lot of other features such as sub-select statements,
formatting of result sets, aggregate functions
and much more. If you want to dive into the details
of building these types of queries, you can start
by using the SQL Server Books Online (a great
INSERT Queries
A common SQL operation is to add rows to a table.
Enter the SQL INSERT query. An INSERT statement
is quite simple, and defines the columns you want
to modify, along with the values you want to insert
into those fields. This query might be used to
add a row to an Employee table:
INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeID,
FirstName, LastName)
VALUES (937, 'John', 'Petrucci')
It's as simple as that - kind of. You can also
dynamically generate the list of columns you want
to return using a SELECT statement. Again, for
more information, see the SQL Books Online.
UPDATE Queries
UPDATE queries are used to modify the data in
rows in a database. I might want to increase all
of the prices in my Products table for products
that currently cost less than $10. A sample query
might look like this:
UPDATE Products
SET Price = Price * 1.08
WHERE Price < 10.00="">
This query updates all rows in the Products table.
Specifically, it increases the price of all items
by eight percent if the item price is less than
DELETE Queries
The DELETE statement is used to remove rows from
a database table. This example removes all of
the customers that have not placed an order in
more than two years from my database:
DELETE FROM OrderHistory
WHERE LastOrderDate < '31-mar-2000'="">
One note of caution that your DBAs will thank
me for: Be careful that you don't forget the WHERE
clause. A simple two-line statement can easily
delete all of the data in your entire OrderHistory
table. This is perhaps the most common (and potentially
embarrassing) database error you can make.
Tips for Writing SQL Queries
Finally - a place where I can rant about some
of my pet peeves of database development! If you're
planning to write SQL queries (especially within
a development team), it's important that you follow
some fairly simple rules. Here are some pointers
on getting started:
- Develop a naming convention - It's
important the you create a naming convention
for your databases, the tables within them and
even specific columns. It can be extremely annoying
for other database developers to determine whether
the column is supposed to be called "EmployeeNo",
"EmployeeNumber", "Employee_Number", etc.
- Simplify security administration -
Most database servers offer you the ability
to set database security permissions on specific
objects (such as tables). Often, you'll find
that creating objects such as views and stored
procedures and then placing permissions on those
objects can be simpler and more secure than
placing permissions on the tables themselves.
Also, be sure to take advantage of features
such as pass-through authentication and the
use of roles for database users.
- Establish a test environment - Successful
developers understand the importance of testing
code after making modifications. Be sure that
you test interactions with all of your database
objects when you modify something like a table.
A seemingly innocuous change like renaming a
column in a table can wreak havoc on the rest
of your database.
- Measure the performance of your queries
and transactions - It's all too easy to
think, "It works and returns the correct results,
so my job is done." That may be true in some
cases, but it's also possible that you've written
a query that returns the correct results - the
only problem is that it takes four weeks to
do so! Be sure to measure performance of your
queries through tools like SQL Server's Query
Analyzer before you drop this code into production.
I could go on forever with these tips (and I
have done so before - just ask my co-workers).
But, that would fill another article (hey, there's
an idea!).
Waiting for the SQL?
There you have it - the basics of writing SQL
queries. There's a lot more to know and, if you're
planning to write database-driven applications,
you'll soon find some of the strengths and weaknesses
of SQL. However, understanding SQL and how it
can be used to retrieve and modify data is a useful
skill to add to your bag of tricks as a developer
or database administrator. Remember to use your
new powers for good, not evil! Next time, I cover
database design issues.
Portions of this article have been adapted
from SQL Server 2000 Backup & Recovery by
Anil Desai (Osborne/McGraw-Hill).