From monthly reboots to "retreating" from your network, here are 10 tasks you can perform to keep all your systems running smoothly throughout the year.
Monthly and Yearly Maintenance Tasks
From monthly reboots to "retreating" from your network, here are 10 tasks you can perform to keep all your systems running smoothly throughout the year.
- By Harry Brelsford
- September 01, 2000
After all the designing, planning, and implementation
work is done and the high-priced consultants have done
their work, it's time for you to serve as a network administrator.
Logically following last month's column, in which we discussed
how to maintain a happy and healthy network through daily
maintenance tasks, I follow it up this time with ten of
the most important monthly and annual tasks. Here's a
list of 10 that I consider to be the most important.
1: The Monthly Reboot
Microsoft considers Windows 2000 Server a significant
improvement over Windows NT Server in the area of system
stability. Still, old habits are hard to break and I still
love to do a monthly reboot. Not that Windows 2000 Server
implicitly needs such a reboot, but I need the reboot.
The monthly reboot accomplishes several things. First,
the reboot flushes primary memory, so I know that any
RAM memory leaks are effectively cured. Second, the monthly
reboot is a controlled reboot, typically occurring during
a safe period (after hours when the worker bees have gone
home). Better to know that you can safely take your Windows
2000 Server machine up and down instead of being surprised.
The point is, if your machine has a shutdown or startup
problem, it needs to be discovered and cured. Making such
a discovery as your server is the busiest is not good
2: Auditing
You can perform four types of audits with Windows 2000:
- Logon/Logoff user type activity—This
is one of the most popular uses of auditing in Windows
- File and folder access activity—Another
popular form of auditing, this tells when a file or
folder has been accessed, modified, etc.
- Processes and other code-related
auditing stuff—This is bit-head stuff, which
developers use to see when a process is spawned in an
application, etc.
- DHCP auditing—Really
just a form of logging DHCP activity.
The logon/logoff user activity auditing occurs via Group
Policy using the following steps:
- Logon to the Windows 2000 Server machine as an administrator.
- Launch Active Directory Users and Computers from
the Administrative Tools program group.
- Right-click on the domain object in the left pane
and select Properties.
- Select the Group Policy tab.
- Expand the following: Computer Configuration, Windows
Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, Audit Policy.
- The audit-related options will be displayed, allowing
you to select audit policy objects to modify. Double-click
one of the audit policy objects, for example, Audit
logon events. The Security Policy Setting dialog box
- Configure the Audit logon events policy to audit
successful and failed logon attempts (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Configuring Windows
2000 Server to record logon and logoff events at the
computer-level. (Click image to view larger version.) |
For network logon/logoff activity, you should configure
the Audit account logon events policy object. If you do
so, the Audit Policy details pane in the Group Policy
MMC should look like Figure 2.
Figure 2. Setting the audit policy
in Group Policy. (Click image to view larger version.) |
The auditing of file and folders activity is similar
to what you'd do in Windows NT. This is configured via
the Advanced button the Security tab of Properties for
a file or folder.
Master Tip: I'm assuming
you're working on a Windows 2000 Server domain controller
(DC). Albeit this is a pompous assumption, it's also where
you'd be if you're thinking about meaningful network-related
auditing. Otherwise, much of the auditing configuration
discussion in this section occurs at a different location
if you're at a member server or Windows 2000 Professional
machine: the Local Security Policy icon in the Computer
Management MMC. Be advised that if your non-DC computer
using local policy is a member of a Windows 2000 domain,
the auditing settings may be overwritten by policies received
by the domain.
I've elected not to discuss the other two auditing capabilities
here, since the other two auditing types are actually
covered well in the Windows 2000 Server online help system
and the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit.
3: Security Review
Should your users change their passwords each month?
They should certainly do this once per year. Also, take
a moment to test your network for weaknesses. First, can
you browse your internal Windows 2000 network from an
outside location? One quick test is to try to map a drive
to an internal share point from a machine connected on
the Internet. If you can do this at all, perhaps your
firewall isn't up to snuff in terms of protecting the
private network from public snooping. If you can do this
without being challenged by a network logon box, you've
got even bigger troubles.
There are many ways to probe for weaknesses in your network
security. My free advice? Keep a close eye on Roberta
Bragg's monthly "Security Advisor" column in MCP Magazine.
4: Baselining and Monitoring Performance
Periodically-monthly, quarterly, or, at the very least,
annually-you'll want to use System Monitor to log critical
performance information about your system. Viewed as charts
over time, these logs show baseline and subsequent improvements
and declines in performance. I discuss this activity in
much more detail in an upcoming column (part of a "Boosting
Performance" series). For now, take some time out of your
busy day to read Part 6: Performance Monitoring in the
Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kit.
5: Disk Space Management
Two things I like to do each month at my site is monitor
the hard disk space on the Windows 2000 Server machines
and then perform defragmentation of that disk space to
boost performance. Monitoring hard disk space is easy
to do. Simply use a tool like Windows Explorer or the
Computer Management MMC to record a before and after measurement
of hard disk space in something like your network notebook.
To defragment your hard disks, use Disk Defragmenter
(found in the System Tools folder from the Start menu;
see Figure 3). Remember that a defragmented hard disk
is a happy hard disk.
Figure 3. Windows 2000 has a
built-in disk defragmentation tool similar to Windows
9x. This is used in place of the CHKDSK command from
the old Windows NT era. (Click image to view larger
version.) |
6: Disaster Recovery Simulation
With this and the remaining tasks, my discussion shifts
to tasks that are considered annual, not monthly.
One of the bigger challenges facing Windows 2000 MCSEs
is the unexpected network crash. These events occur for
a number of reasons including bad software, hardware failure,
power outages and bad luck. My thought is that, if you're
facing impending lemons, make lemonade. Once a year simulate
a crash to test your fitness as a Windows 2000 MCSE and
to remind users what a network crash is (and, to be responsible,
do this with some warning). The benefit to you is that
you'll learn have some practice recovering from doom and
gloom with ease, such as restoring a backup from tape
(with your eyes closed). Your users will also be less
freaked out when a real network disaster hits, and they'll
get in some practice using the telephone and fax machines.
7: Budgeting
Money not only makes the world go around, it makes your
network hum. Too many super-smart MCSEs get caught up
in the technology side of the business and forget about
the budget needed to keep the the network good times rolling.
Make it a major priority to participate in the technology
budgeting process. No need to make a simple mistake that
results in the flow of dollars being cut off.
8: Upgrades
During my career as an MCSE, I can't recall any twelve-month
period having passed in which some type of significant
upgrade didn't occur. If it wasn't an accounting system
upgrade, it was a Microsoft operating system upgrade (perhaps
you've done this recently with Windows 2000?). You've
also probably replaced some or all of your hardware one
year. The point is that one annual activity you'll most
assuredly participate in is upgrades to your Windows 2000
network, whether it's system or application software or
9: Training Yourself and Others
Don't forget to take care of yourself and users noggins
with computer training. For you many training decisions
are made for you with Microsoft aggressive Windows 2000
MCSE recertification schedule. Your users may need a little
more plodding to get into the classroom. A popular training
course for users is a one-day class on how to use Outlook
better (including shared calendars, contacts and Exchange-based
public folders).
Even if all you do in any twelve-month period is purchase
and read cover-to-cover the 7,200-page Windows 2000
Server Resource Kit, you're engaging in some form
of training to better your MCSE soul.
10: The Annual Retreat
Most companies conduct an annual planning retreat for
strategic planning purposes. It might not be directly
related to your Windows 2000 network implementation, but
it's a great chance to solicit some feedback and seek
ideas for features to implement. For example, users might
want to implement Outlook Team Folders or instant messaging.
If you're lucky and the retreat is held out of town at
a golf course, or seaside or ski resorts (hint-hint!),
the annual retreat is a great way to get away on the company
This ends my two-month series on administrative duties
on a Windows 2000 network. Once you've got your list of
daily, monthly, and annual tasks jotted into your calendar,
it's time to look at performance-boosting issues, which
I begin next time.