In your effort to become an MCSE under Windows 2000, you'll need to understand the inner workings of these three crucial services.
Service Station: DNS, DHCP, and WINS
In your effort to become an MCSE under Windows 2000, you'll need to understand the inner workings of these three crucial services.
- By Harry Brelsford
- June 01, 2000
Part of working with Windows 2000 Server is learning
what to implement and what not to implement. This month
I cover three services, DNS, DHCP, and WINS, all possible
implementation candidates. Your server (and network) will
run just fine without DNS, DHCP, or WINS installed, depending
on your situation, so why would you want to run those
services? Let's start with definitions.
DNS--The Domain Name System
is the default name resolution mechanism for both
Win2K Server and the Internet. It resolves host names
( to TCP/IP addresses (
DHCP--Officially known
as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP is used
in organizations to supply network connectivity. The
DHCP service, commonly referred to as the DHCP Server,
issues TCP/IP networking addresses. More on this in
a minute.
WINS--The Windows Internet
Name Service is used to find network objects (like
computers) when you're using NetBIOS naming (such
as Machine01). Its roots date back to the NetBEUI
protocol days (when NetBEUI was in favor). You might
know it as the way computer names are displayed when
you double-click My Network Places in Win2K or Network
Neighborhood in Windows 98 and 95.
What These Services Do
DNS is actually pretty easy to understand. It's analogous
to calling directory assistance to get a phone number.
When you make this type of call, you typically communicate
that you want to speak with John Smith in Placerville,
California. The operator resolves the name John Smith
in that location to a phone number such as 206-555-1212.
Then you dial the number and you're connected to John
Smith or his voicemail. DNS resolves host names (the machine
named JohnSmith01) to an IP address ( You're
then connected to the host machine.
Historically, a drawback to DNS was the fact the DNS
tables, which are consulted to resolve host names to IP
addresses, were static. That is, somewhere someone (or
something) had to make an entry into a DNS file. That
information was then replicated out over the network or
the whole Internet to other DNS servers to make sure everyone
was up to date. The drawback was the manual administration
requirement of DNS. That drawback has been mitigated to
some extent in Win2K because the DNS model is now dynamic.
That is, records in the DNS database are now updated automatically
without operator intervention. (You may or may not know
that in the good old days, someone somewhere had to enter
DNS records manually into a DNS database. Talk about a
Master Tip: One big
assumption about dynamic DNS is that the DNS servers support
the RFC (RFC 2136: Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name
System or DNS UPDATE) that allows dynamic updates to DNS.
Clearly, dynamic DNS is intended for homogeneous Win2K
Server networks. Older DNS servers, such as some Unix-based
machines, can't be dynamically updated.
DHCP is one of those things you either love or hate.
Many people love DHCP because it simplifies the life of
the IT admin. Not only does DHCP dish out IP addresses
to client machines on your Win2K network, but it allows
you to provide robust configurations as part of that dishin'
process. For example, you can robustly configure a client
machine with settings ranging from Time Offset to StreetTalk
Directory Assistance (STDA) Servers. Granted, these are
very specific settings (the first example deals with Greenwich
Mean Time and the second deals with Banyan's directory
service (see my April 2000 column for an education on
directory services). Bottom line? You name it when it
comes to TCP/IP-related client machine configurations
in Win2K, and DHCP can do it.
So what's not to love? Several things. MCSEs have become
disenchanted with DHCP because when it doesn't work, the
user gets a notice early in the logon process communicating
that no DHCP server was available. Not only can't the
user log on at this point, but worse, the user typically
can't work productively since they can't access network
resources and perceive their lives to be doomed otherwise.
In other words, the phrase, "No DHCP server available,"
is debilitating in the organization.
It has also been my experience that DHCP performs poorly
in widely dispersed and subnetted enterprises. To be honest,
sometimes it wasn't always apparent why DHCP does or doesn't
perform well; but looking back to one incident at a large
Pacific Northwest hospital, the IT manager took the fleet
of clients machines back to static IP addresses. Perhaps
you have your own negative experience with DHCP and can
relate to this. If you don't use DHCP to serve IP addresses,
you'll need to configure the IP address of your client
machines manually.
Master Tip: I've used
DHCP to pull an MCSE-quality rabbit out of my consulting
hat on more than one occasion. For example, I was once
confronted with a client situation whereby the client
site was anticipating it would receive a range of real
IP addresses from its ISP within a matter of days. Each
PC was to then have a real IP address. Well, days grew
into weeks. In order to get this site up and running,
I created an internal network of IP addresses (using 10.0.0.x)
and had DHCP assign the addresses to the workstations.
The DHCP scope was defined to only lease the addresses
for 72-hours. That way, with the addresses frequently
renewing, when the real IP addresses finally arrived,
rolling out those IP addresses would only be a function
of creating a new DHCP scope with the real IP addresses
and disabling the original DHCP scope. In plain English,
the old 10.0.0.x IP addresses wouldn't be renewed and
the new IP addresses would be leased out. Good stuff to
say the least. More on DHCP scopes in a moment.
WINS is there if you need it and, likewise, not there
if you don't. WINS is included in Win2K Server for legacy
support reasons, the biggest of which is to support legacy
environments such as older NT Server machines. WINS resolves
NetBIOS names to machine addresses. As a mere earthling
you can work with friendly machine names and actually
find the machine (browsing through My Network Places is
an example of this). WINS has a Madison Avenue-like feature
whereby it's updated dynamically. That is, it updates
its name resolution tables dynamically by listening to
machines that advertise their respective NetBIOS names
(as in "Hello! I'm ACCOUNTING01"). That dynamic
updating of its name resolution tables is one of the cool
features that undoubtedly was "borrowed" from
WINS when the smart brains at Microsoft looked for ways
to improve DNS!
The easiest way to implement DNS and DHCP is to work
from the Configure Your Server window (see Figure 1).
This interface is meant to ease, if not hide, the complexities
of installing services. It's conceptually similar to the
SBS Console in Microsoft Small Business Server.
Figure 1. The fool-proof way
to implement DNS and DHCP. |
If you prefer the hard way or, more importantly, you
want to drop down to a granular level to learn DNS and
DHCP to pass your Win2K certification exams, you'll want
to install these services from the Add/Remove Programs
applet in Control Panel by following these steps.
- Click the Start button on your desktop.
- Select Settings and then Control Panel.
- Double-click Add/Remove Programs
- Click Add/Remove Windows Components in the left pane
of the Add/Remove Programs dialog box.
- Select Networking Services in the center of the Windows
Components Wizard dialog box.
- Click the Details button.
- The Networking Services dialog box appears. Select
the Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
checkboxes as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. This is how you manually
install DNS, DHCP, and WINS (via the subcomponents
screen of Networking Services). Note the services
are defined in the Description area of the dialog
box. |
This is how you would install WINS (as seen in Figure
1 above).
- Click OK.
- Click Next on the Windows Components Wizard screen.
- When asked, supply the Win2K Server CD-ROM.
- Click Finish when the Completing the Windows Components
Wizard screen appears.
- Close the Add/Remove Programs dialog box and the
Control Panel. By the way, did you notice that you didn't
need to reboot? It's a pleasant change from the old
NT Server 4.0 days when installing every new service
required a reboot.
Configuring each service (DNS, DHCP, or WINS) occurs
via that service's respective Microsoft Management Console
(MMC). I'll leave configuring DNS for another month-because
it's such a huge topic!). Let's take a quick peek at configuring
- Launch the DHCP MMC from the Administrative Tools
program group.
- Right-click the Win2K server to display the secondary
- Select New Scope.
- Click Next at the New Scope Wizard.
- Provide a scope name (for example, "Headquarters--Scope
10.x.x.x) and a description and click Next.
- Provide IP address range information. For example,
the Start IP address might be and the End
IP address might be Provide the Subnet mask
information. Your screen should appear similar to Figure
3. Click Next.
Figure 3. DHCP scopes are configured
via the New Scope Wizard. Here the IP address and
Subnet Mask information is entered. |
- On the Add Exclusions screen, you typically provide
a small range of IP addresses that aren't leased (say to in this example. These addresses
are typically used for servers and network printers.
Click Next.
Master Tip: No Self
Service. A Win2K Server that acts as a DHCP server must
have a static IP address. It can't serve itself a dynamic
IP address. DHCP only leases IP addresses to clients (including
other Win2K Servers) but not to itself. Note that the
IP address of the server acting as the DHCP server is
typically included in the exclusions (referenced in step
7 above).
- You'll provide a lease duration on the Lease Duration
screen. This is typically measured in days (eight days
is the default). Practically speaking, this is how often
the client machines will renew their IP addresses from
the DHCP server. Click Next.
- The Configure DHCP Options screen appears. Select
Yes or No to configure options. Click Next.
- Provide a router IP address on the Router (Default
Gateway) address screen if you have a router or server
acting as a default gateway on your network. Click Next.
- Provide the Parent domain name and DNS server information.
Click Next.
- Provide WINS server information (name and IP address)
if you have a WINS server on your network. Click Next.
Master Tip: The same
Win2K Server machine can act as a DNS, DHCP, and WINS
- On the Activate Scope screen, select Yes or No depending
on whether you want to activate your new DHCP scope
now or later. Click Next.
- Click Finish on the Completing the New Scope Wizard
screen. You have now configured a DHCP scope.
To configure DHCP scope properties (a good thing to practice
to pass the demanding Win2K MCSE certification exams),
right click on the scope folder in the right pane of the
DHCP MMC and select Properties. The resulting screen,
the Scope DHCP Server Properties, should look similar
to Figure 4.
Figure 4. Learn the finer points
of DHCP configurations by viewing the property sheet
for the DHCP scope. |
Another DHCP dialog box of interest is the Scope Options
dialog box seen in Figure 5. Here you configure minute
details of a DHCP scope. Again, very important on the
Win2K MCSE certification exams.
Figure 5. Learn those Scope Option
selections for both your real world use of Win2K Server
and passing the Win2K MCSE certification exams. |
Exam Implications
And speaking of exams (and without speaking outside of
school or violating my Microsoft non-disclosure agreement),
I can safely say that once again Microsoft has placed
a premium on "stick-time," otherwise known as
the long hours you pound the Win2K keyboard. Books are
fine, and it never hurts to read columns such as this
(for which I thank you), but there's nothing like stick
time. For example, I recently took the beta test version
of 70-216, Implementing and Administering a Microsoft
Win2K Network Infrastructure exam, and discovered that-beyond
the typical branch office and remote user story problems-over
half of the exam was dedicated to DNS, DHCP, and WINS
topics. While some of these questions were ivory tower
planning questions, many more were hands-on dialog box
selection-type questions. Your heard it here first.