ZDU offers online Windows 2000 training, along with plenty of other topics, but this reviewer still prefers that personal touch when he learns.
An Online Education
ZDU offers online Windows 2000 training, along with plenty of other topics, but this reviewer still prefers that personal touch when he learns.
- By James Carrion
- March 01, 2000
There may be a hundred reasons why distance learning
is right for you—so kick back and let me take you on a
little journey into the realm of Windows 2000 electronic
learning via ZDU. But first, my bias: I’m an instructor
myself, and over the last 12 years I’ve given and sat
through many courses, none of them online.
ZD University (part of ZD Education, which until recently
was owned by Ziff-Davis, Inc. and is now about to be acquired
by U.S. Equity Partners, LP) offers a variety of online
courses not limited to the computer field. ZDU organizes
its training into three “libraries:” computer professional
(evaluated here), business skills, and personal computing.
Access to each requires a separate subscription, although
the more you sign up for, the bigger your discount on
each. Once you’ve obtained a user name and password and
signed in, you can pick from a variety of technical courses—everything
from the basic “Upgrading my PC” to higher-end programming
classes like “Visual InterDev” or “Advanced Java.” My
interest was focused on Win2K courses for this review,
and these are offered under three major subcategories:
Windows 2000 Installation and Administration and Windows
2000 System Support, which are self-study courses, and
Windows 2000 Professional, which includes instructor-led
Information |
ZD University
$365 for a year’s access to the computer
professional library as a single user;
$125 more for access to the business library
as well. Multi-employee discounts range
from 10 to 50 percent. |
Structured after a traditional university environment,
the home page offers many student services you’ll recognize
from your beer-guzzling days in college, including a course
catalog and an automated learning advisor that offers
assessment exams to help you determine which self-study
course to take or predefined track of courses to pursue.
Unfortunately, only a limited number of courses have assessments,
and there were none for Win2K. The online store will sell
you the required courseware for any instructor-led courses
you take. The Student Union is nothing more then a series
of message boards, (powered by O’Reilly WebBoard), called
“lounges,” where you can interact with other students.
The Resource Center gives you access to Books24x7, one
of the most useful parts of this site. Just like the school
library, Books24x7 gives you online access to a complement
of full electronic versions of technical books from a
variety of publishing houses. You can select a book for
placement on a personalized “bookshelf” for later access
and place a bookmark on a page while reading so you can
pick up later where you left off. Finally, Student Services
is where you can view your online transcript and change
your login profile options.
The Self-Study Route
If you prefer to go through a course at your own pace
and don’t care much for structured reading assignments
or homework, then the self-study courses are for you.
A quick setup option downloads the latest version of Macromedia’s
Shockwave applet to perform interactive exercises.
Each course is usually divided into three lessons. Each
lesson covers a set of objectives and is structured like
a slideshow, with each slide introducing a different concept.
These concepts are illustrated through summary charts
or interactive activities. Interspersed throughout and
at the end of each lesson are quizzes for reinforcing
the concepts.
I found the technical content to be quite good and accurate
with concepts easily digestible. Numerous interactive
exercises are accessible through the “Activity” button.
Most activities are Shockwave “interactives” that have
the look and feel of the Win2K desktop, replete with working
menus, dialog boxes, and applets. Of the various interactive
tools offered in the lessons, these simulation activities
will probably be of the most use to you, especially if
you lack a PC running a live copy of Win2K on which to
practice the concepts being taught. Figure 1 shows an
example of a simulation activity.
Figure 1. Simulation activities
in ZDU courses let you work on Win2K chores without
having the software installed on a machine. |
The lessons themselves are fairly short—usually from
8 to 14 slides. At the end of each lesson is a two-question
wrap-up quiz that’s not very challenging. There simply
aren’t enough questions to accurately assess what you’ve
Some lessons also have dynamic content that steps you
though a task. These aren’t interactive—the demos take
you through a series of graphics that illustrate how to
perform the task.
Other activities walk you through Win2K dialog boxes
by having you move your mouse cursor over an item so that
a brief explanation pops up. These appear to be verbatim
explanations of the context-sensitive help you would see
in Win2K dialog boxes. Win2K technical tips are also offered
throughout the lessons.
One feature I found useful was progress tracking. The
site remembers not only what courses you’ve already completed
but also where you left off in the course in progress.
Whenever you navigate to the training program’s main page,
there are links available for you to jump right back in
Upon completing all lessons in a course, a review screen
appears that gives you the option of reviewing each lesson.
Other links to allow you to go to the next course or pick
a course from the catalog don’t appear to work.
Instructor-Led of Sorts
Since none of the Win2K instructor-led courses were available
at the time of this writing, I enrolled in a two-month
Windows NT 4.0 system administration class. The course
has eight lessons, one for each week. You must purchase
a textbook from the online store to do reading assignments.
I decided to join a class in progress in “audit” mode
and to gather feedback unobtrusively from the class by
reading archived student and instructor messages.
It’s a misnomer to use the term “instructor-led” here.
It should really be “instructor-facilitated,” since no
live interaction with the instructor takes place. I would
define a truly instructor-led online course as one where
the teacher interactively leads the class in an online
lecture either through a live Webcast video session or
prerecorded video file. At the very least, the courses
could offer real-time chats, where the students and instructor
can interact. The ZDU version is nothing more than predefined
reading assignments, quizzes, and homework facilitated
by the instructor via message boards.
The instructor also designates “field trips” for the
students to go on. These are Internet URLs that the student
should navigate to and report back on. For the first class
field trip we were advised to go to www.microsoft.com/windows/server
with the following instructions:
Take a look at this site and find
out what you can about the new version of Windows NT
coming out. Windows 2000 comes in different forms. Find
out what they are.
Class Discussion Questions
1. What is the most exciting feature in Windows 2000?
2. Do you see any similarities with Novell NetWare?
3. Will you switch to Windows 2000? Why or why not?
I thought this field trip was a little too advanced for
someone who was supposedly just learning about NT systems
An online quiz for each lesson is provided strictly for
self-assessment purposes. The instructor posts the answers
so you can check your work. I wasn’t impressed with the
instructor who led this course. His answers were short,
vague, and sometimes technically inaccurate. (The grammar,
spelling, and punctuation errors come from the instructor
himself.) For example:
1. How can you increase the security of the administrator
A: Create two new admin accounts using ordinary
names (like Roberta or Erin or not ordinary like Jebadiah)
the longer the better. Give these new accounts full
admin rights by putting them in the Admin and Domain
Admin group (we will do this in week three). Then remove
all the rights to the ADMINISTRATOR account. This will
really steam up anyone one breaks into the Admin account,
they won’t have any access after all that work. Then
they have to try to guess which account is the real
admin account then break that password. I would keep
one admin account for general use and lock the other
account logon name and password in the company vault.
Tell the president (or the like) that if there is ever
any problem with the network there is an emergency admin
account in a sealed envelope in the safe.
This is technically inaccurate. You can’t take away the
power of the Administrator account. You can rename the
account so that a potential hacker would have a hard time
guessing which account is the omnipotent admin, but you
can’t render the admin account impotent.
6. How can you create a “secret” share so that
nobody can see it but people who have the name and rights
can attach to it?
A: Any share name that starts with a dollar sign
($) will not show up in the Network Neighbourhood but
can be accessed using the Universal Naming Convention
(UNC) method. Many people map a drive to this kind of
share to save typing each time they logon.
This is also technically inaccurate. To make a share
hidden, the share name should end—not begin—with a $ character.
You won’t receive a grade for your instructor-led course
but can receive Continuing Education Units or CEUs (provided
through the American Council on Education).
A Starting Point
How do I summarize my learning experience online? These
courses are a primer, a starting point to be supplemented
by intense hands-on work with the operating system in
a networked environment—and I’m not just talking about
two PCs running Win2K on a home network. To prepare for
your MCP exams, you’re going to need access to a much
bigger network, with multiple domains and server roles.
On my home network, I have eight PCs rack-mounted and
running various versions and configurations of Win2K,
and this still doesn’t seem to be enough to get the depth
of understanding required for this product. So I find
myself often in the classroom, where I can assemble a
greater variety of simulated environments.
Would I recommend ZDU? I highly recommend the self-study
courses. These are well-structured, with the right amount
of interactive exercises that promote learning. More work
is needed, however, in the area of pre- and post-course
I wasn’t overly impressed with my instructor-led course.
I didn’t have the time to sample more than one of these
courses, so it’s possible I could have had a more positive
experience with another instructor. But I don’t particularly
like the overall format. I would expect more “live” interaction
with the instructor—online. Otherwise, it feels like that
scene from the movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, where
the students decide not to go to class any longer, replaced
by their tape recorders; eventually the instructor is
also permanently absent, replaced by a tape recorder.
Distance learning doesn’t have to feel distant.