Partners with Windows Phone 7, Tell Us Your Story
In the bubble of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference this week in Los Angeles, you wouldn't know that Windows Phone 7 badly lags the Apple iPhone and the Google Android platform in market share. Everywhere you looked around the LA Convention Center and in hotel meeting rooms and partner parties, people's small screens were filled with tiles.
If you're a Microsoft partner using Windows Phone 7, we want to hear your story. Why did you choose the platform? What were your tradeoffs in going with Microsoft's mobile OS versus the two dominant smartphone OSes or BlackBerry RIM? What do you like best and least? What do you recommend for customers? If you're a Microsoft partner and you went with an iPhone or Android, we'd like to hear why, as well. E-mail your story to for an article in a future issue of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.
Posted by Scott Bekker on July 14, 2011