Pender's Blog

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Ellison Toys with BEA

When your editor was but a young lad, his family had a cat that was a particularly adept mouser. The cat loved to roam the large field behind its house searching for rodents of all sorts. When she caught one, she would keep it about half-alive for a few hours and just toy with it, pretending at times to be indifferent to its presence, then batting it around and chasing it when it tried meekly to escape.

Well, right now, Larry Ellison's the cat...and BEA is the mouse. Oh, sure, BEA's much more than half-alive, but the point is that no matter how much it tries to run or how indifferent Ellison may seem, he's going to get his prey...eventually. We'd be surprised if it worked out otherwise.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 16, 2007
