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Black Friday for Mac Prices

Black Friday is a nasty name for a good thing: It's the day after Thanksgiving when millions of American shoppers hit the malls in search of smokin' bargains.

Apple had been making noises about some sweet Black Friday dealios, so I checked it out. The best bargain I found was $100 off its lowest-end laptop -- making it still a hair under a grand.

As this bad economy continues, I believe Apple will have to lower its premium prices. Kinda tough to shell out all that money for a Mac when you can't fill your fridge with groceries.

Meanwhile, "The Simpsons" has soured on Apple, and in the last episode spent six full minutes making fun of the company. Since I gave up watching "The Simpsons" 10 years ago, I unfortunately missed this episode.

Posted by Doug Barney on December 01, 2008
