Barney's Blog

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Defending Nick Hogan

Yesterday, I started an item about Bill Gates by saying, "Unless you were living in a bio-dome or were in a Nick Hogan-induced coma, you must have heard that Bill Gates retired last week."

Redmond Report reader Chris took offense and had this to say:

"Bad taste, Mr. Barney. I could see that coming from a young staff writer, but not from an editor in chief."

I wrote Chris back to point out that Nick Hogan isn't worth our admiration. Here's that message:


Take a look at these two links: 1 and 2. Nick Hogan essentially killed his friend, then he and his dad bad-mouthed the victim and plotted to make money from the accident.

Hulk Hogan showed disrespect to the court by not removing his do-rag even when testifying. Nick Hogan is a dirt bag."

Agree? Disagree? Sound off by writing me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on July 02, 2008
